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RE: South Park BID - Interim ED Feedback 

Subject: RE: South Park BID - Interim ED Feedback 
From: Robin Bieker <> 

Date: 03/29/2017 04:35 PM 

To: 'Daniel Taban 1 <>, 'Shelby Jordan 1 
<>, 'Robert Buente' <> 

Wow is right. 

Here are Terri Toennie's remarks, "I believe it is in the best interest of the South Park 
BID to make Ellen the Executive Director- She has really jumped right in and given 100% 
since December and is a pleasure to work with." 

I didn't take good notes in school, but I did cut and paste well (some would call that 

And I couldn't agree more with Daniel's comment on what Ann said. 


From: Daniel Taban [ mail to:danielgjadeent. com ] 

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:49 PM 

To: Shelby Jordan; robin@biekerco. com ; Robert Buente 

Subject: RE: South Park BID - Interim ED Feedback 

Wow, did you take notes like this in school? 

In all seriousness, I couldn't agree more with the following comment: 

o Ann commented that Ellen is "not Jessica" though. Shelby's two cents here: I think we 
need to get board members and public "off" this comment. No one except Jessica is Jessica 
and it's doing a disservice to Ellen and the BID to continue with this dialogue [emphasis 
added] . 

Daniel Taban 

JADE Enterprises, LLC 

t 213.745.5191 I> 

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RE: South Park BID - Interim ED Feedback 

From: Shelby Jordan [ mailt <mailto:siordan@aegworldwide■com> ] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:36 PM 

To: Robin Bieker ( <> ) ( 
<> ) < <> >; Robert 
Buente ( bbuente@1010dev.orq cmailto:bbuente@lO10dev.o rq> ) < 
<mailto:bbuente@101Odev.orq> >; Daniel Taban ( 
<> ) < <> > 

Subject: South Park BID - Interim ED Feedback 

In follow-up to our call, here's the feedback (it's a lot) I received from both Terry 
Rubinroit and Ann Hickambottom on Ellen's performance to-date: 


* Likes Ellen and believes she is working hard 

* Terry commented that Ellen is "not Jessica" though 

* Terry Concerned with Ellen's recent presentation at Terry's HOA meeting: 

o Ellen did not contact Terry (as a board member) to inform Terry of the presentation 

o The presentation was not delivered well: 

* Ellen did not explain what the BID was until questions were asked 

* Ellen did not stress the urgency / importance of the renewal but instead conveyed the 

BID already had enough votes to move forward 

* In summary from the dialogue with Terry, areas for improvement for Ellen are: 

o Needs to develop a better presentation / pitch for the BID 

* Focusing first on what it is and the history 

* The day to day responsibilities 

* The importance in the BID in the future development of the area 


* Ann Believes Ellen is qualitied and doing a good job (from Ann's macro level 

* Ann commented that Ellen is "not Jessica" though 

o Shelby's two cents here: I think we need to get board members and public "off" this 
comment. No one except Jessica is Jessica and it's doing a disservice to Ellen and the BID 
to continue with this dialogue. 

* Ann believes Ellen handled the annual meeting well 

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RE: South Park BID - Interim ED Feedback 

o Believes Ellen needs to be a little more polished with establishing herself and taking 
control of a room / meeting 

* Minor issue - seats were not held for board members at a recent meeting and as 
Ann and 2 other board members were late, they had to sit in the crowd 

* Ann wants to understand why Wallace's probationary was extended if she is an "at 
will" employee 

* Ann believes Ellen should use her resources effectively 

o i.e. engaging Wallace to handle presentations as director of communications 

* Ann's major concerns isn't Ellen herself, but Ellen's responsibilities related 
to the renewal process and the future of the BID 

* Ann's comments on the Renewal Process: 

o Ann wants to understand the challenges with the BID renewal 

o Ann believes the BID is misstating what the renewal is - she does not believe the 

combination of two BIDs but instead the formation of a new BID 

o Ann believes Jessica and Robin did an excellent job communication the purposes / 
importance of the BID to the South Park II group and believes we need to have a similar 
effort associated with the renewal 

o Ann believes its more than just getting 50+1% approval 

* Ann's comments on the future of the BID: 

o Ann believes the future is an exciting time with so much potential for South Park 

o Ann believes the BID can help drive South Park to a different level 

* i.e. when people think of Los Angeles, they think Hollywood, Santa Monica, Beverly 
Hills. Ann believes in the future they will think South Park as well. 

* An iconic neighborhood 

o Ann believes it's okay to have a big ego about South Park 

* In summary from the dialogue with Ann, areas for improvement for Ellen are: 

o Taking the lead in developing the 1, 3, 5 year plan for South Park to ensure the BID 
is truly effective and stands out with all the change underway 

Shelby Jordan 

865 South Figueroa St., Suite 800 

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RE: South Park BID - Interim ED Feedback 

Los Angeles, CA 90017 
P (213) 337-4809 
C (213) 458-2735 

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